What are Cochlear implants?

What are Cochlear implants?

What are Cochlear implants?

People with profound sensorineural hearing losses find even power hearing aids not able to provide enough sound. This is because the inner ear has been damaged where hair cells that normally transmit signals to the brain are unable to do so. It’s in these circumstances that a cochlear implants are considered.

A cochlear implant is a device that comes in two parts, a receiver and a neural transmitter. The receiver is placed above the hear where it collects sounds and sends these signals to the transmitter.  The transmitter sends electronic signals directly to the auditory nerve.

Cochlear implants will not fully restore hearing but will give the patient the perception of sound. For those who have lost almost all of their hearing this can be a tremendous benefit. There are cochlear implant centers all across the country where the commitment and candidacy of the procedure can be discussed in further detail.

For more information visit Hearing Zone or www.hearingzonedoctors.com